Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Spreadsheets - Analysis of Completed Tasks for Monday 28 June

Ms Corbett was sick and the Reliever didn't come because she was sick . So we were spilt bye a teacher and split into different groups and we were sent to different classes. Ms Corbett Emailed us the task to finish well we were spilt in different classes. Here is a graph of the tasks our class finished.

From the graph i can see that there are a total number of 22 students in our class today. i got this from
looking were the points stop so green is 1, yellow is 6, purple is 7, light blue is 6 and brown is 2 so that = 22. From this graph i can see:

1. one student finished 0
2. six students finished 6
3. seven students finished 7
4. six students finished 6
5 2 students completed all tasks

I feal as if i can do better than playing around about how i did. i think next time i can do my work better by
stop talking and playing aroud.

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