Friday, August 6, 2021

Practice Painting

 Today For School We Did A Practice For Art We first used cheep tape to make patterns and see if the cheap tape is worth using it for our real Art ( Here is A Picture Of my art:

So As i said you make a pattern With the tape paint the white spaces and then let the paint dry after the paint is dry you can lift off the tape and it will end up like mine.


  1. Wow Patariki I love your practice art, its great to see you practicing your art piece using materials on hand in the classroom before doing your real art.
    If this is anything to go by your final piece of art is likely to be brilliant! Your also described your painting process well and it most certainly was very bright and colourful.
    I’d love to see you post a picture of your final artwork.

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  3. OMG you patariki you are a lier your art only had three colours
