Sunday, September 5, 2021

Among us Noices On Chrome Music lab

Yesterday I made A Beat on Chrome music lab its based On i game used to play The games about These Uhh short no armed people With Sun Classes As eyes Here's a Link to the chrome music lab songs that i made And also a Picture To what i mean 

And Heres the picture:


  1. Whoa! That is amazing Pata. I love how you added the beats to your second song. Thanks for sharing this with us Pata. Looking forward to seeing you in the next Google Meet.

  2. Kia ora Patariki,

    Wow! I'm super impressed by the effort you put into making this and sharing it with us. I like how you layered your beats.

    I wonder if you can reread your post and see if you can add full stops and capital letters. This will make it easier for your audience to read.

    I'm looking forward to you sharing your future blogs. I'll check in to see if you can come up with new music.

    Looking forward to future blog posts,
    Miss Laxa

  3. wow Patariki I am impressed that you did that all I think what you should improve is that you could do some more writing I understand if you cant but that would make your blog awsome!

  4. Very cool Patariki! I like the theme and how you made it! If you could make another one, what theme would it be?

  5. Hi Patariki,
    I Love it! It sounds really good and mostly real! I think it's a creative idea to you among us as your theme. Good job!
